Freelance Weekly Columnist
So, you’ve got something to say? We want to hear it. Philly Mag is holding an open audition for the city’s next great metro columnist (or columnists!). If you’re a smart, snappy writer unafraid of take and a clear point of view, read on. Here’s what we’re looking for …
- Relevance. We want columnists who are timely, who are writing about what people are talking about right now — or what people should be talking about.
- Insight. Hot takes are OK. Informed takes are fantastic. Tell us something we don’t already know, and do it from a position of authority. Reporting and column writing go hand in hand.
- Style. Humor is good. Exceptional writing works too. Whatever your style, we want readers to know they’re reading you without checking the byline.
- Range. Philly culture. Politics. Neighborhoods in flux. National issues through a Philly lens. The best metro columnists have real range, and that’s what we’re looking for here.
The Details
- This is a weekly gig, with weeks off for holidays/vacations as needed. Presence is key. We want columnists readers will look forward to, whom they’ll expect to see every Tuesday/Wednesday/whatever.
- These are paid freelance columns. Pay is commensurate with experience, and the realities of the media business circa 2016.
How to Apply
- Send us a sample column, one not published elsewhere, that’s relevant right now. If you were already on the job and writing the column this week, what would you say? 600 words is great, 800 words is getting long. We won’t publish any submissions — we just want to see what your unedited copy looks like.
- Tell us a little something else about why you’d be a great columnist. We don’t want or need a résumé. Just a few sentences on why you’ll be the next great Philly columnist.
Send submissions to column@phillymag.com. No phone calls, please.
Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/careers/#FUYqjI4h9VyuqkiH.99