Freelance Opportunities
Philadelphia magazine accepts freelance pitches for both print and digital products. Pitches should be geared toward longform works (between 1,000 and 4,000 words), not smaller items or service writing. Specifically, we are seeking stories that cover city- and suburban-focused issues, trends, and timely nostalgia pieces that have a novel take. These stories should reveal something deeper about Philadelphia and the people who live here. Recent examples include “The Death of Gentrification Guilt,” “It’s the End of The Gallery as We Know It,” “The Battle for the Soul of Washington Avenue,” and “I May Live in Pennsylvania, but I’m No Pennsylvanian.”
Please send short pitches (not full manuscripts) to pitches@phillymag.com. If the story is a good fit, an editor will contact you; please do not send follow-up messages. No phone calls, press releases, or info about events, please.
Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/careers/#FUYqjI4h9VyuqkiH.99